Senator’s Bill Would Impose New CRA-Like Provisions on Certain Credit Unions (CUToday, May 29, 2024)5/29/2024
WASHINGTON– has learned Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) intends to propose legislation aimed at making housing more affordable and ending housing discrimination, with provisions that would also add a host of new Community Reinvestment Act-like requirements for certain federal credit unions, including around mergers.
Provided by Ron Aoki, DCUC Board Treasurer and president/CEO, Schofield FCU I recently watched the movie “Hacksaw Ridge” for the first time. I know, where have I been? It was only released some 8 years ago. When watching the movie, I was amazed at the determination of Desmond Doss as he repeatedly stated “One more. Help me get one more.” To see how physically draining it can be to carry soldier after soldier to safety was truly inspiring! It made me reflect on the challenges we all encounter as credit unions. While it doesn’t compare to carrying a soldier across a battlefield, the idea of pressing on when faced with challenges and hurdles is still something credit unions and their staff can resonate with. Every credit union I talk to seems to be going through some sort of challenge, whether its personnel changes and/or the ability to find qualified applicants, liquidity issues, and even the battle to keep our credit unions relevant in times of constant technological and regulatory change.
Provided by John McKechnie Congress and regulators are moving forward with a list of items on the “to-do” list as the calendar turned to May. It’s accepted wisdom that not much will be done after July in an election year…but we’ll see.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On May 20, 2024, the Defense Credit Union Council’s (DCUC) Chief Advocacy Officer Jason Stverak sent a letter to The Honorable Richard Blumenthal, Chairman, and The Honorable Ron Johnson, Ranking Member, of the HSGAC Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. The letter was sent ahead of the HSGAC Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations' upcoming hearing titled: Fraud Alert!: Shedding Light on Zelle.
WASHINGTON–Ahead of meetings in Washington this week by the National Grocers Association, the Defense Credit Union Council has sent a letter to all members of Congress expressing what it said are its concerns with the Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA).
Earlier this month, several member credit unions gathered in Warsaw, Poland for DCUC’s Overseas Sub-Council Conference. The conference, co-sponsored by Service Federal Credit Union, was a huge success, even with the prior uncertainty about traveling so close to the conflict in Ukraine.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On May 16, 2024, the Defense Credit Union Council’s (DCUC) Chief Advocacy Officer Jason Stverak sent a letter to all Members of Congress expressing DCUC’s concerns with the Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA). The letter was sent ahead of next week’s National Grocers Association Congressional office visits to make sure that credit union industry concerns are part of the discussions.
This year’s Overseas Sub-Council gathering included many “firsts” for both DCUC and its member credit unions. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC) and its member credit unions serving the U.S. overseas military population recently gathered in Warsaw, Poland for DCUC’s Overseas Sub-Council Conference. The conference, co-hosted by Service Credit Union, focused on the challenges of serving this unique segment of our Armed Forces and the current political climate in Europe. Additionally, DCUC and its member credit unions’ mission was highlighted on a world stage, honored by the official remarks from Poland’s President, Andrzej Duda.
January 2025