Click on the link next to the DCUC logo of your choice and then save that version to your computer.
The PNG file format is best for use on the web and the EPS file format is best for print use.
The Defense Credit Union Council logo is the property of the Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC). It may not be used in connection with any service or product that is not DCUC's, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers or users, or in any way that disparages or discredits DCUC.
The PNG file format is best for use on the web and the EPS file format is best for print use.
The Defense Credit Union Council logo is the property of the Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC). It may not be used in connection with any service or product that is not DCUC's, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers or users, or in any way that disparages or discredits DCUC.
Horizontal Logos
Vertical Logos